Semantics of motion verbs in Russian, Kazakh and English variants (based on corpus and dictionary data)


  • А.Е. Bizhkenova
  • R. Kenzhebekova



motion verbs, corpus, semantic class, statistics, prefixes, mode of action, lexical-semantic group


The paper describes an experiment of verbs of motion in three languages of different structure using data taken from the Russian National Corpus (RNC), the British National Corpus (BNC), the National Corpus Kazakh Language (KNC), the Corpus of Modern American English (COCA) and Almaty Corpus of Kazakh language (ACKL) and the Explanatory Ideographical Dictionary of Russian Verbs. The aim of this article is to study the frequency of the use of verbs of motion in structurally different systems languages on the material of the corpora of the Kazakh, Russian and English languages and the Explanatory Ideographical Dictionary of Russian Verbs in the aspect of comparison. The necessity of studying the motion verbs, which are belong to different types in linguistics, and therefore, it continues to remain one of the relevant tasks in modern linguistics. In the course of the study, the use of the frequency of verbs of motion was shown by attracting practical material. The presented analysis is a model of the use of corpus and Dictionary material to study the functional and semantic features of the motion verbs in modern Kazakh, Russian and English. The results of the study showed that verbs also differ in ways: their semantic content and behavior are different. The experiment showed that the statistical data obtained by the method of simple arithmetic calculation proved that the frequency of the use of verbs of the semantic field of movement in the core in three languages of different structure (Kazakh, Russian and English) is different.




